The Office of the Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Central and Eastern Europe is based in Geneva, Switzerland hereby confirms the following information.
Surname :
Given name :
Gender : FemaleMale
Date of birth :
Place of Birth :
Nationality :Tibetan
Name of Father :
Name of Mother :
Present Address :
According to our sources it is difficult to determine the civil status (e.g, birth marriage, divorce and death) of Tibetans living in Tibet (currently under Chinese occupation). Traditionally, these events are not registered at the office of the civil registrar. Therefore, official documents such as a birth certificate can not be reproduced.
We have examined the above stated information on the basis of following documents: • Recommendation letter by Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Bern Section • Attestation of Residence by Office of Saint-Maurice • Residence Card • Travel Document
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Meldebescheinigung *Meldebescheinigung*
Empfehlungsschreiben des jeweiligen tibetischen Vereins *Empfehlungsschreiben der tibetischen Gemeinschaft von*
Given Name *
Gender *- Select -MaleFemaleOthers
Date of Birth *
Place of Birth*
Phone Number *
Present Address*
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Travel Document Copy*
Attestation of Residence *Attestation of Residence by*
Thumi or Tsokchung letter*Thumi or Tsokchung letter by*
Vorname *
Familienstand *- Select -LedigVerheiratet
Gegenwaertige Wohnadresse*
Wohnsitzbescheinigung des Gemeinde *Wohnsitzbescheinigung der Gemeinde*
Empfehlungsschreiben des Tibeter Gemeinschaft*Empfehlungsschreiben der tibetischen Gemeinschaft von*
Marital Status *- Select -SingleMarried