Aargau Tibetan Community Expresses Gratitude to the U.S. for its Enactment of Resolve Tibet Act

Representative Thinlay Chukki speaking to the gathering.

On 17 August 2024, during its annual summer picnic (Yarkyi), the Tibetan Community of Aargau hosted a special event to express gratitude to the U.S. government for its approval of the Resolve Tibet Act.

Representative Thinlay Chukki from the Tibet Bureau Geneva attended the celebration as its chief guest, along with the bureau’s staff, Tenzin Choesang, and the members of the Aargau Tibetan Community.

Representative Thinlay Chukki, in her address, highlighted the importance of the local Tibetan Community in bringing together its members. Additionally, she lauded the Tibetan weekend school teachers of Aargau and the parents of students for their active and dedicated engagements in imparting Tibetan language and cultures to the younger generations and encouraged them to continue it.

Regarding the enactment of the Resolve Tibet Act, the Representative extended appreciation to the government of the U.S. for this legislation on Tibet and apprised the gathering of its significance.

In an expression of gratitude, a celebratory cake-cutting was observed, and cultural performances and amusement games were organised as part of the festivities.

