Representative Ngodup Dorjee Meets Permanent Representative of Belgium to the UN

Geneva, 24 November 2016: The Representative of the Tibet Bureau in Geneva, Mr Ngodup Dorjee had brief appointment with new Ambassador of Permanent mission of Belgium and Deputy Permanent Representative of Czech Republic on 21 and 22 November 2016 respectively.

Representative Mr Ngodup Dorjee called upon Mr Geert Muylle, new Ambassador of Belgium Permanent Mission to the United Nation and other international organisations in Geneva on Monday, 21 November 2016 at  at the ambassador’s cabin along with Deputy Permanent Representative Mr Karl Dhaene.

During the meeting, Representative Ngodup Dorjee gave a brief introduction of the Tibet Bureau and the Central Tibetan Administration. He also apprised the Ambassador and Deputy Karl Dhaene on the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet, particularly the repression of religious freedom of Tibetans. Representative Ngodup Dorjee further acknowledged the support and solidarity expressed by world community with the Tibetan issue and said that the Tibetan struggle is still strong and alive for the support and friendship expressed by the international communities.

Expressing his solidarity to the Tibetans, Ambassador Mr Geert Muylle said that the Tibetan issue needs attention because of the deterioration of human rights situation as well as the depleting environmental situation inside Tibet. Representative Ngodup Dorjee presented a copy of updated briefing note on Human Rights situation in Tibet 2016 Report and other relevant documents which Ambassador Mr Muylle has assured to forward to Capital.

The next day, Representative Ngodup Dorjee called upon Mr Daniel Mic, Deputy Permanent Representative of Permanent Mission of Czech Republic, and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the government and people of Czech Republic for hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Prague last month. He shared brief program of His Holiness’ visit in Prague and official reception by Cultural Minister and senators, member of Parliament.

The Deputy Permanent Representative of Permanent Mission of Czech Republic, Mr Daniel expressed his concern over the Tibet issue and said that his office has complete awareness on the issue. He discussed on various matters, including the protest staged by Tibet supporters during Xi Jinping’s visit to Czech and the participation of Mr Martin Bursik, former Environmental Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Czech Republic in Tibet Solidarity Rally on 16 September in front of Palais des Nations in Geneva.

Earlier on 14 November, Representative Ngodup Dorjee had a briefing with Ambassador Mr Johannes Matyassy of Asia and Pacific Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA in Bern and apprised detail program of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s successful visit in five European countries. Mr Dorjee expressed sincere gratitude to the Swiss Federal and respective Cantonal government on behalf of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration for their cooperation in security arrangement and other protocol services.

-Report filed by The Tibet Bureau, Geneva-

