Geneva: Representative Mr Ngodup Dorjee, Office of Tibet, Geneva and Mr Dawa Tsultrim, UN Affair officer briefed the ongoing dismal situation in Larung Gar to the UN official on Monday afternoon.
The meeting took place on 5 December, paralleling the joint press conference on Larung Gar addressed by Sikyong and Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile. The press statement and 7-min film on Larung Gar, released on the day, were also presented.
The UN Official has assured to update and handover the press release and film on Larung Gar to the Special Rapporteur. It has also stated that the mandate office is informed of wide-scale demolitions and evictions of monks, nuns and lay Buddhist practitioners in Larung Gar. Further said that the visit of Special Rapporteur to Tibet is still pending due to “lack of response from the Chinese government.”
Representative Ngodup Dorjee appealed the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to push for a visit to Tibet to assess and address the situation in Larung Gar.
The mandate has expressed deep solidarity with the pressing situation in Larung Gar.