Geneva: The Swiss Parliamentarian group for Tibet has shown a strong support and solidarity with Tibetan people on commemorating the 58th Tibetan National Uprising day in front of the Bundeshaus (Swiss Parliament House) with a large Tibetan flag to a photo session. More than 24 Member Parliaments have joined this photo session. Representative Ngodup Dorjee, Europe Tibetan Parliament Member Samdo Jampa Tsering, President and Vice President of Swiss-Tibet Friendship Association, President of Tibetan Community in Swiss & Liechtenstein were also joined the photo session. After that small Tibetan flags are also placed on the tables in the Parliament Hall to mark this historical day.
This is a strong sign against the incidents surrounding the Chinese state visit in January this year and of course a solidarity gesture on 10 March which will send a meaningful and powerful message of hope to Tibetans inside Tibet who continue to suffer and facing untold injustices under the Chinese Communist government.
Member Parliament Angelo Barrile has also raised Tibet related issue in the Swiss Parliament on 9th March, 2017 and asked Swiss Federal government for clarification that in the 15th round of Human Rights Dialogue between Switzerland and China;.
- What are the specific individual cases of Tibetan political prisoners were addressed?
- Has the appeal letter from Tibetan organizations been addressed to the Chinese delegation?
- How did the Chinese delegation react?
- Will Switzerland play an active to pressure China for early visit of the UN Human Rights Commissioner to China?
Further from 26 March to 3 April, five member delegation from the Swiss Parliamentarian group for Tibet will travel to Dharamsala, India to have insight knowledge on Tibetan exile communities and democratic institutional structures of the CTA. The delegation will meet and interact with the CTA officials, civil societies, Monasteries, Schools and Tibetan Parliamentarians. Before returning back to Switzerland, the delegation will also have a meeting with Indian parliamentarians working group for Tibet in Delhi.