Europe Stands with Tibet – Rally

Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Lichtenstein in coordination with European Tibetan Communities (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and UK) along with Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association, Tibetan Youth Association in Europe and Tibetan Women’s Association in Switzerland jointly organizing “Europe Stands for Tibet” rally in Geneva on 10th March 2018 to commemorate 59th Tibetan National Uprising day. The day when Tibetans from across the social spectrum rose up to stage a defiant yet peaceful uprising against the illegal occupation of Tibet by the People’s Republic of China in the year 1959.
The Rally is also being organize to highlight the issue of Tibet in sidelines with 37th UN Human Rights Council session where delegations from 47 member states, observers and international NGOs sit together to discuss basic human rights, democracy, justice and rule of law in this world.
On behalf of organizing committee, the Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein would like to appeal all the Tibetans living in Europe and Tibet supporters around the world to join us on 10th March 2018 in Geneva.
Come and March for Tibet: Show Your Solidarity.