China: UN experts denounce the criminalization of linguistic and cultural rights advocacy
Geneva, 21 February 2018: A group of UN human rights experts* expressed concern over incarcerated Tibetan language rights advocate Tashi Wangchuk and called on China to release him “immediately”.
In the public statement issued today, the group of UN human rights experts expressed concern over labelling “inciting separatism” against Tashi Wangchuk, who was featured in a documentary film calling for “linguistic and cultural rights in Tibet”. The experts called on China to “drop” all the allegations against his comments featured “in an article and video documentary in the New York Times”.
The experts condemned the Chinese authorities for detaining Tashi Wangchuk and “criminalization of his freedom of expression as well as his right to stand and speak up for what he perceives as human rights violations in his region and country”.
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