Representative Ngodup Dorjee attend 30 years anniversary of Association Italia Tibet in Rimini city, Italy

New Board Members of Association Italia Tibet on 6.5.2018

OOT Geneva, May 8, 2018: In the invitation of the Association Italia Tibet, MP Thubten Wangchen, Tibetan Parliamentarian from Europe and Representative Ngodup Dorjee of the Tibet Bureau, Geneva attend to celebrate 30th founding anniversary and to witness the election of new board members of Association Italia Tibet (Tibet Support Group) after every 3 years on Saturday 5th – 6th May 2018 at Rimini city of Northern Italy.

The Association Italia Tibet is one of the biggest and nationwide Tibet Support Group in Italy. Around more than 100 members representative were present from various regions of Italy on 5th May program. Representative Ngodup Dorjee expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the members of Association Italia Tibet for active support on the issue of Tibet since last 30 years. He also expressed that because of your strong support, the issue of Tibet still being one of the prominent issue in the international platform and we need such a constant support in the years to come to continue our struggle. Representative Ngodup Dorjee has witnessed that most of the members are of old age and to continue the advocacy work in the years to come it’s highly important to introduce younger generation in the Association and give them responsibility.

The Representative of the Tibet Bureau has also spoke about the current Human Rights situation in Tibet under China’s repressive policies where 152 self-immolation cases undertaken so far since 2009 in Tibet. Participants were also updated about the historical facts of Tibet’s illegal occupation by China followed by Tibetans’ struggle in exile for survival and transforming into democratic system of the Central Tibetan Administration. The Representative has also gave brief introduction on Middle Way Approach – seeking Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan people to resolve the issue of Tibet peacefully.

What can I do for Tibet??? is the question from the participants where the Representative has urged them to show your solidarity with Tibetan people simply raising Tibetan national flag, organize talks on Tibetan culture, organize rally and contact your local or national politician including local Mayors to support Tibet issue and raise in the national parliament, ask for resolution on Tibet etc.

At the same time the Representative Ngodup Dorjee has also met with Mayors of Urbino Dr. Massimo Seri on the same day.

On 6th May 2018, the Representative has observed the election of 8 board members of the Association Italia Tibet being elected from different regions of Italy for coming three years working tenure. After successfully election process, the Representative Ngodup Dorjee has greeted each board members offering white scarf (khatak).

The Representative has also visited Pennabilli city where Francesco Orazio Olivieri was born who travelled to Lhasa, Tibet in the year 1725 during the reign of His Holiness the VIIth Dalai Lama who has graciously permitted to establish Christian church. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has also visited Pennabilli city in the year 1994 and 2005 respectively.
