Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok Visits to Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein

Geneva: Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok, Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration arrived in Switzerland on an official visit to take part in the celebration of the 83rd birthday anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The event was organized by the Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein
On his arrival at the Zürich international airport, Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok was received by Khen Rinpoche of Rikon monastery, Chithus Samdho Jampa Tsering, Representative Ngodup Dorjee of the Tibet Bureau, President/Vice-President of Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein and other dignitaries from NGOs.
On 5 July, Kalon and delegation called on Mr Elmar Metzger, Mayor of Flawil municipal in St. Gallen state at his office.Chorik Kalon Ven. Kungo Yuthok Karma Gelek, Representative Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, President & Vice President of Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein with Mr Elmar Metzger, Mayor of Flawil municipal-Switzerland
On 6 July, Kalon visited the Tibet Institute Rikon (Rikon monastery) to take part in the celebration of the 83rd birthday anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Following the prayer ceremony, Kalon addressed the gathering.
In the evening, Kalon attended the “Thank You Switzerland” event, organized by the Tibetan Community of Schaffhausen canton (state). Mr Walter Vogelsanger, Interior Minister of Schaffhausen canton was the Chief Guest along with other dignitaries of the state.Chorik Kalon, Guest of Honor of the Thank of Swiss Program at Schaffhausen dated 06.07.2018
Chorik Kalon Presenting Memento of Gratitude to Mr. Walter Vogelsanger, Interior Minister-Schaffhausen Canton during Thank You Swiss Program

On 7 July, Kalon attended the official program to celebrate the 83rd birthday anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Bülach stadthalle as chief guest. The program started by the enthronement of His Holiness’s portrait followed by an offering of mandala and singing of Tibetan national anthem.
Representative Ngodup Dorjee read out the official statement of the Kashag issued on the occasion which was followed by the address of the Kalon.
Mr Martin Bürki, President of Zürich municipal council and Ms Rosemarie Quadranti, Member Parliament of the Swiss national Parliament were present among other dignitaries.Chief Guest Chorik Kalon Addressing the public on Celebration of 83rd Birth Day Anniversary of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama at Bulach-Stadthalle, Switzerland
Group Picture of Other Special Guest with Chief Guest Chorik Kalon at Bulach-Stadthalle, Switzerland
Hon’ble MP Rosemarie addressed the program highlighting her experience on the delegation visit to Dharamsala. She also assured continued support towards Tibetan cause in the Swiss Parliament.
A total of 25 members of the 16th Local Tibetan Assembly of Switzerland & Liechtenstein were awarded certificates of social service. The certificates were issued by the Tibetan Parliament in Exile in recognition of their three years (2015-2018) voluntary service to the Tibetan community. The certificates were presented by Chorig Kalon.Chief Guest Chorik Kalon with 16th Member of Local Assembly-Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein
Around 2000 people including members of Tibetan community and representatives of organisation attended the event.
On 9 July morning, Kalon with Representative Ngodup Dorjee left for Geneva where staff of the office of Tibet, Geneva Tibetan community President along with executive members accorded a welcome in front of Hotel Warwick.
In the evening, Kalon had a meeting with the US Permanent Mission to the UN headed by Mr Jason Mack, Head of the Mission along with team of human rights desk.
The meeting lasted for almost an hour wherein Kalon briefed human rights situation in Tibet particularly on Religious Freedom. He also extended heartfelt thanks to US Congress for the resolution adopted on “Reincarnation and Recognition of Tibetan religious leaders”.
In the following day, Kalon had a series of engagements including meetings with UN official and other permanent mission to the UN.
Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok accompanied by Representative Ngodup Dorjee left Geneva by evening flight to Austria.