Love Binds while Anger Divides: His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Spring Dales Public School

Mulbekh: After the completion of Kargil engagements His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Spring Dales Public School in Mulbekh, Mulbekh, 40kms from Kargil.
School Principal Norboo extended a hearty welcome to His Holiness and apprised His Holiness of their efforts to offer a holistic education in a friendly and caring environment so as to enable students to use innate creativity for one’s own and others’ benefit.
He expressed gratitude for the support the school has received from the Dalai Lama Trust, especially for its hostel project.
Addressing a gathering of over 400 people; students, their parents and relatives, school staff and public His Holiness expressed appreciation to the school authorities for practicing what His Holiness advises.

Describing himself as someone belonging to the 20th century, a century fraught with suffering and war, His Holiness said that the students belong to the 21st century. His Holiness ascribed the crisis of the 20th century to primitive thinking that warrants the use of force to resolve issues.
His Holiness explained how post second world war, peace came to be valued and cited European Union as a collective effort to establishing peace in the European region. His Holiness commended the spirit of promoting the common good over narrow national interest.
His Holiness remembered President Vaclav Havel of Czech Republic and described him as a tireless crusader of peace movements. “When Czechoslovakia became independent and free of Soviet domination he invited me to the celebrations. He was someone I really admired. His death was a great loss. We need more leaders like him,” said His Holiness.

His Holiness described Mahatma Gandhi as someone who successfully imbibed the ancient Indian practice of ahimsa in a political context.
His Holiness recalled the September 11 tragedy in New York and Washington and said that in a letter sent to the then U.S President George Bush, His Holiness expressed prayers and condolences, but at the same time expressed hope that U.S would react with a non-violent approach. “Today there is one Bin Laden, but if you resort to violence and the use of force you risk creating a hundred Bin Ladens. Violence breeds violence in an unending cycle,” His Holiness had told Bush.
Stressing on need to make the 21st century a century of peace and dialogue, His Holiness said that peace building should start at an individual level. “Love binds, anger divides. Anger weakens our immune system and love and compassion strengthens our immune system,” said His Holiness.