His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives Talk on Indian Wisdom in the Modern World

Bengaluru: His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his talk on ‘Indian Wisdom in Modern World’ today at Vidyaloke by wishing “Good morning to everyone”.
The hall is fully packed with Indian audience. Groups of Bhutanese students also joined the talk.
While iterating today’s topic ‘Indian Wisdom in Modern World’, His Holiness said, “That’s my favourite sort of subject. On an emotional level, we are facing many problems.”
His Holiness mentioned that in community and society, prayer alone is of no use. Hence individual must work on ones own inner peace.
“Therefore, to that respect, ancient Indian wisdom is not just ancient but relevant to today’s world”.
His Holiness further told that teaching of dharma is basically love and compassion. “Every social animal appreciates when they receive love and compassion”.
In western, secular means more of disrespect to other than religious. Whereas in this country secular means respect all religion including non-believer, he remarked.
His Holiness then talked about the non-existence of self as single, autonomous and permanent.
He gave a deeper explanation of how the brain works and of its complexity.
His Holiness then talked about change being inevitable including our experiences of suffering and happiness.
He further touched upon the notion of self which is permanent, autonomous and single. In order to reduce that notion, there is nothing autonomous existence of the self. It is how quantum physics can be related.
The talk was followed by Q&A session. His Holiness ensured that his services to humankind will remain as long as the suffering of sentient beings remains.
-Filed by Correspondent Tenzin Phende-