Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang Launches “Tibet Brief 2020” Italian Version

Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and Representative Thinlay Chukki from the Tibet Bureau Geneva launched Italian version of Prof. Michael Van Walt Praag’s book “Tibet Brief 20/20’’ titled “Tibet Occupato” on 11 March 2023 in Rome, Italy.
The event was organised by Italia-Tibet Association, one of the largest Tibet Support Groups in Italy. Speaking at the ceremony, President of the Association, Claudio Cardelli, highlighted the continuous and concerted efforts of the association to create awareness about the situation inside Tibet. Speaking about the significance of the book, Claudio noted that it is important to understand the history of Tibet from legal perspectives as well and this book will pave the way for the same.
The book project was initiated by the Italia Tibet Association, sponsored by the Buddhist Union of Italy and published by Il Cerchio.
The book launch was followed by interactive dialogue between Piero Verni, author and longtime Tibet supporter and Prof. Michael Van Walt Praag, author of Tibet Brief 20/20. They discussed the significance of the book especially as a guiding instrument for the international community while approaching the unresolved international conflict between Tibet and China.
More than 50 people were present at the event and Tseten Bergamo, President of Tibetan Community of Italy, also participated in the event.
Representative Thinlay commended Italia-Tibet Association for successfully completing this important project and hoped that this book will bring in better understanding of Tibet in Italy especially amongst parliamentarians and authorities.