8th Annual Maha Guru Bhumtsok Commences in Switzerland for Long Live of Tibetan Lamas
The Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein (TCSL) in collaboration with Rikon Tibet Institute and Kunsang Dho-Ngag-Ling Tsechu Tsokpa commenced the 8th Annual Maha Guru Bumtsok prayer festival presided by the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche at Haageri-Saal in Horgen, Switzerland on 18 May 2023.
Maha Guru Bumtsok, the offering of a hundred thousand feasts to Maha Guru Padma Sambhava, was annually held for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the heads of all schools and traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The ceremony was also observed for the fulfilment of their commitments and the well-being of sentient beings in general.
Representative Thinlay Chukki from the Tibet Bureau Geneva attended the 8th Maha Guru Bumtsok along with Tibetan residents. The prayer service will end on 20 May.