CTA’s Green Book Programme Underway in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

After the successful Green Book programme in Germany and Austria, the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) Department of Finance staff Pema Dechen, Choekey Dolma and Soepa Gyatso are in Switzerland and Liechtenstein from 2-27 January 2024 to process applications of Tibetans residing in Switzerland and Liechtenstein under the jurisdiction of Tibet Bureau Geneva.
In Germany, the total cases of 180 Tibetans were resolved, including new applications. The Tibetan Association of Germany Section- 88 cases from Bonn (Cologne), 92 cases from Hamburg and Berlin.
In Austria, more than 190 cases were resolved including new green book applications.
The Green Book is a unique Tibetan document issued by the Department of Finance, Central Tibetan Administration for the Tibetans. Green Book enables Tibetans to attest their Tibetan origin by birth and also exhibit Tibetan people’s recognition of CTA as their sole legitimate representative. It enables exiled Tibetans to take part in Tibetan Freedom movement by making annual voluntary contribution to the CTA. Non-Tibetans can participate in a similar programme called the Blue Book to express solidarity with the Tibetan cause.
The Tibetan Association in Germany and Tibetan Community in Austria has graciously organized the programme in coordination with the Tibet Bureau Geneva.
The Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein will coordinate programmes in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.